- All items are brand new unless otherwise stated.
- Items sold are not refundable or exchangeable.
- Please email me @ ilovechloeee@gmail.com if youre interested in any items.
- Sold items are removed to prevent confusion.
- Price nego alil
- No trades, no deadbuyers and lastly, i'm nice if youre too. (:
- Thankyou.
LB Breleigh blouse Jade.
Measurements: Free sized, 24" Down
Fits Uk 6-12 best.
LB Leather Mid-Waist Shorts
Size L measures 14.5" to 15.5" across, 11" down and 3" at the rise
MMTP Sentimental moments maxi Electric blue.
Comes with inner skirt lining.
PTP: 12.5-17" DOWN: 51"
$29mailed each.
MMTP Sentimental moments maxi Navy.
Comes with inner skirt lining.
PTP: 12.5-17" DOWN: 51"
TVD Chiffon keyhole top Rose
M: PTP 17.5" Length 25" (Fits UK10)
TVD Chic porter highwaist shorts Navy
Size L: Waist across 14-15" Length 13.5"
Hips across 18" Thigh opening 12.5" (Fits UK10 to UK12)
Hips across 18" Thigh opening 12.5" (Fits UK10 to UK12)
LRH The lampshade skirt Brick
Size L: Waist 14" Length 17" Hips 21"
MGG The lampshade skirt Teal
Size L: Waist 14" Length 17" Hips 21"
MGG Beyond demn tulip skirt Black
Size L: Waist 14" Length 16" Hips 17.5"
MGG Buttonup highwaist skirt Black
Size L: Waist 15" Length 15" Hips 17.5"
Credits: To th respective onlineshops.
Hi I'm interested in the breleigh blouse. Email is limdebby_hl@yahoo.com.sg